“ Sustainable Luxury " - from artisans hands to yours
When you purchase a handmade product you can feel the care and love woven into its fabric. TANE is proud to create well crafted products that can be passed on, shared, and treasured intentionally. TANE purposely cuts and makes in small batches, which means more attention to detail and to perfection. Collectively, we can circulate quality clothing to continue telling stories, and to lighten our impact on planet earth.
As we celebrate our 15th year of creating, collaborating, and presenting, we are incredibly thankful for everyone who’s included TANE in their journey. XOXO TANE
Fridababy president & CEO Chelsea Hirshhorn give us her definitive registry list in Motherly interview, picking TANE organics for must have onesie bedtime attire.
TANE organics’ one piec...